Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Leiris/Picasso: 04/28

Hello Dear Readers and Followers of Brimmer Street Theatre Company!

This is Melissa Powell - a name I'm quite certain you don't know. I am a NEW member to Brimmer and the very FIRST non-Emerson graduate of the bunch! I'm terribly proud to have been granted membership to such a phenomenal group.

In any case, I shall be playing the role of Dora Maar in this play; a role I have studiously prepared for. Dora is best known for being Pablo Picasso's lover for some 10 years. Upon further research I found that both Dora and I are brunette, from Jewish families, speak Spanish, and are brilliant famous photographers. Okay, I might be stretching it a bit there on that last one... Nevertheless, she was a woman of unique strength and character. My aunt even had jewelry made so I can better channel Miss Maar's intense energy. A set of bangles with some of Dora's poetry on it, and earrings with a famous portrait Picasso did of her.

Yes, she was a woman of remarkable brilliance and intellect in her own right. Exactly as she is portrayed in the play -- wait, she is also known in the play as "THE TART?" And is seen galavanting the set in nothing but her knickers and blonde wig?! And essentially throws herself at men, always eager to TAKE OFF HER CLOTHES?! Hmmmm....well, I can see Dave has taken some..."liberties" in adjusting things to make for a more comedic play experience. But I am up for the challenge! Surely, it shall be difficult for me to focus my intense acting ability to harness all that I can to portray a floozy. What's that?! It was ME who suggested we try some new scandalous blocking requiring I display my shocking flexibility???? Did someone just cover their mouth, coughing, "TYPECASTING???" Strange...

In any event, rehearsal last night was fast and furious. And we got so much done! After initially being afraid to make any choices for fear of my NYU drama teacher's voice looming inside my head, ("Whatever you do, Melissa, just don't fuck it up".) I finally loosened up a bit (perhaps thanks to Amy's African sing-along warm-up), and was able to start enjoying this dynamic cast of characters. We found some great moments and everyone works with great focus and energy. I was amazed at how much we got done in such a short period of time! This promises to indeed be a wild ride.

And I say, Let the Love Affair with Leiris/Picasso Begin!

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